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Employee engagement – how is it defined?

August 15, 2024

Admittedly: The term employee engagement is a mouthful. There are many explanations on the internet about what exactly the term describes. Most of them say that employee engagement means the emotional bond between employees and the company. The strength of this bond, according to internet knowledge, depends on the degree of an employee’s personal, own commitment and motivation towards the employer’s goals and values as well as the committed contribution to the company ‘s success.

For us, however, that is only one part. The company’s perspective is also crucial: engaged employees are more productive and stay on board longer. So good employee engagement helps companies achieve their business goals.

With hand, head and heart atwork.

Scientifically based, lived employee engagement is when employees bring their complete selves to their professional roles and are not only emotionally, but simultaneously physically, cognitively and emotionally present in the execution of their work activities. In short: when they are at work with their hands, head and heart. This three-part scientific approach has already proven itself in medicine. There, too, studies often refer to cognitive, physical or emotional factors. This holistic picture also proves its worth in the world of work.

Today, there are more than 300 providers offering their services in the area of employee engagement. However, these providers capture employee engagement in a purely one-dimensional way and support companies only selectively, for example in measuring engagement or implementing specific measures to promote employee engagement.

We do not understand employee engagement one-dimensionally, but as a life cycle. In doing so, we draw on science: we start by measuring employee engagement on the basis of scientifically sound data, assess company-specific potential for improvement, then define measures and evaluate their effectiveness and long-term impact. This is a holistic and scientific approach that underlines our claim to offer more than just fine-sounding promises. We can prove what we sell.

Why it’s important

Employee engagement is not just a fad. It is simply a fact that the younger generations have grown up in a multi-option society. These people want to be free to decide where, what and when they work. It is obvious that they pay attention to different things when choosing a job than the generations before them. With the five requirements for successful employee engagement, we have summarised the interests and needs of the new generations. One finding is that many companies are no longer able to meet today’s requirements.

You can easily find out how well your organisation is performing with our software. It’s the first end-to-end solution for the entire employee engagement lifecycle, focusing on software products such as Pulse Checks to measure engagement, define action items and innovative reporting to assess impact. This is how employee engagement can make your company even more successful. Don’t let the tongue twister employee engagement scare you away and take advantage of the opportunities that are available to you and your employees.