Nerea Gutierrez
Nerea Gutierrez
¡Hola!Me presento. Soy Nerea Gutierrez.Estudié Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas en la EHU, y luego me especialicé en Marketing Digital en la UNIR. Tuve experiencias valiosas, incluyendo vivir en Corea del Sur durante la época del Covid para mi programa universitario internacional en Hanyang. Esto me enseñó a superar desafíos, adaptarme a diferentes situaciones y comunicarme a través de barreras culturales.Después de terminar mi grado, comencé a equilibrar el trabajo y los estudios, desarrollando habilidades en gestión del tiempo, eficiencia y en diversas áreas como empatía, comunicación, trabajo en equipo y atención al detalle.Actualmente, soy parte del equipo de atwokr, una startup suiza. He tenido el privilegio de sumergirme en el emocionante mundo del marketing digital, aplicando habilidades clave que abarcan diversas plataformas y estrategias. Desde la creación de campañas cautivadoras hasta el despliegue de estrategias efectivas.

Organizational Design and Development

Are you seeking to elevate your organization’s performance and cultivate an environment where every individual can flourish? You’ve arrived at the right destination. Today, we delve into the captivating realm

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in HR and How to use it effectively

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, and Human Resources (HR) is no exception. With AI’s advanced capabilities, HR professionals are transforming their practices, making them more efficient, data-driven, and

4 simple Tips for best HR Leadership Skills

As organizations strive to thrive in a rapidly evolving world, the role of HR leaders has become increasingly crucial. They are not just gatekeepers of policies and procedures but catalysts

(KPI)Key Performance Indicators in HR

Imagine yourself as a skilled HR practitioner, armed with a set of tools that illuminate the path to success. By harnessing the power of KPIs, you gain invaluable insights into

Developing and Sustaining Employee Engagement

Welcome to the world of employee engagement, where organizations strive to create a workplace that’s more than just a source of income. It’s a place where employees feel valued, motivated,

HR Legislation and Employment Laws for best results

Embarking on a journey through the realm of HR legislation and employment laws requires a firm grasp of the intricacies that shape the modern workplace. Let’s delve into these critical

Employee engagement for success

Employee engagement is more than just a buzzword; it’s the heartbeat of a successful organization. When employees feel connected, motivated, and valued, they go above and beyond to contribute their

Training Needs Assessment: tips for Better HR

When it comes to optimizing HR strategies and fostering growth within organizations, one tool stands out: training needs assessment. This invaluable process acts as a compass, guiding HR professionals toward