Nerea Gutierrez
Nerea Gutierrez
¡Hola!Me presento. Soy Nerea Gutierrez.Estudié Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas en la EHU, y luego me especialicé en Marketing Digital en la UNIR. Tuve experiencias valiosas, incluyendo vivir en Corea del Sur durante la época del Covid para mi programa universitario internacional en Hanyang. Esto me enseñó a superar desafíos, adaptarme a diferentes situaciones y comunicarme a través de barreras culturales.Después de terminar mi grado, comencé a equilibrar el trabajo y los estudios, desarrollando habilidades en gestión del tiempo, eficiencia y en diversas áreas como empatía, comunicación, trabajo en equipo y atención al detalle.Actualmente, soy parte del equipo de atwokr, una startup suiza. He tenido el privilegio de sumergirme en el emocionante mundo del marketing digital, aplicando habilidades clave que abarcan diversas plataformas y estrategias. Desde la creación de campañas cautivadoras hasta el despliegue de estrategias efectivas.

Building Your Employee Experience Strategy

Welcome to the world of employee experience, where organizations are recognizing the tremendous value of creating a work environment that goes beyond the ordinary. In this article, we will delve

Remote Work and Flexible Work Arrangements

In today’s ever-evolving work landscape, remote work and flexible work arrangements have become the talk of the town. The traditional 9-to-5 office setup is no longer the only option, as

Certifications and Qualifications to upgrade your status

In the dynamic world of Human Resources (HR), certifications and qualifications hold the key to professional growth and recognition. They empower HR practitioners with the knowledge and skills needed to

HR Audit and Assessment: Tips and Tricks

Are you ready to supercharge your HR practices and propel your organization toward success? Look no further than the transformative power of Audit and Assessment. These invaluable tools allow you

Employee Satisfaction and Surveys in the Workplace

Creating a workplace where employees feel satisfied and engaged is vital for any organization’s success. But how do you unlock the secrets to employee satisfaction? Enter surveys – the powerful

Learning and Development Programs for Success

Hello there! In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, one thing remains constant: the significance of investing in the growth of your employees. That’s where Learning and Development (L&D) programs come

Employer branding and 4 tips on how to master it

In today’s highly competitive job market, offering competitive salaries and benefits alone is no longer sufficient. Companies need to differentiate themselves and stand out from the crowd. That’s where employer