What are the different action areas?

In the atwork model there is a total of 5 health indicators, and each health indicator contains few action areas. In this article we help you to understand what’s the meaning of each action area and in which health indicator they are related to.

Organization #

Pay & Benefits #

Pay and benefits are the monetary and non-monetary compensation employees receive in exchange for their work. This can include salaries, bonuses, health insurance, and other perks like paid time off and retirement plans. Pay and benefits can significantly impact employees’ overall satisfaction and well-being. Employees who feel that they are being fairly compensated are more likely to be happy and engaged in their work, which can lead to increased productivity and a better work environment. Finally, pay and benefits can help to align an employee’s interests with those of the organization.

Recognition #

Recognition at work refers to the practice of acknowledging and appreciating the contributions and achievements of employees. This can include verbal praise, written commendations, awards, and other forms of recognition. It helps motivate and engage employees by letting them know that their hard work and contributions are valued.

It builds a positive work culture and fosters a sense of community among employees. It improves retention by making employees feel valued and committed to the organization. When employees feel that their contributions are being recognized and appreciated, they are more likely to want to stay with the organization and continue contributing to its success.

Value Alignment #

Value alignment refers to the extent to which an individual’s personal values and beliefs are aligned with those of an organization. When an individual’s values align with an organization’s values, they share similar beliefs and principles, and their goals and priorities align with each other. It can improve job satisfaction and engagement by ensuring that individual works in an environment that aligns with their personal values and beliefs. They are more likely to work well together and support each other.

Strategic Alignment #

Strategic alignment refers to aligning an organization’s goals and objectives with its overall strategy. This can help to improve efficiency, coordination, and overall effectiveness within the organization. Additionally, strategic alignment can help to ensure that the organization’s resources are being used in the most effective way possible, which can help to increase profitability and competitiveness.

Management Trust #

Management trust is the degree to which employees trust their managers and believe they have their best interests at heart. This is important because trust is essential for building strong, productive, and positive relationships within an organization. When employees trust their managers, they are more likely to be motivated, engaged, and committed to their work, leading to increased productivity and overall success for the organization.

Change Communication #

Change communication refers to the process of communicating with employees and other stakeholders about changes that are happening within an organization. Effective communication can help ensure that employees are aware of and understand the changes taking place, which can reduce uncertainty and alleviate any concerns or fears they may have and can also help build trust and support for the changes being implemented.

Leadership #

Diversity & Inclusion #

Diversity and inclusion refer to the practice of creating a work environment that is inclusive and welcoming to individuals of all backgrounds and identities. For the organization, a diverse and inclusive workplace can help to attract and retain top talent, can lead to increase innovation and creativity, and can also help to improve the organization’s reputation and standing in the community. For employees, it can provide a sense of belonging and foster a more positive and supportive work environment. And also, diversity and inclusion help to promote equality and ensure that all employees are treated fairly and with respect.

Supportiveness #

Supportiveness refers to the extent to which a manager or organization is willing and able to provide help, assistance, and encouragement to others. This is important because it can help create a positive and nurturing environment, build trust, and foster strong leadership, ensuring that employees feel valued and supported, improving morale, and increasing motivation.

Engagement #

Employee engagement refers to employees’ level of involvement, commitment, and enthusiasm for their work and their organization. Engaged employees are more likely to be satisfied with their job and to have a positive attitude toward their work, which can lead to a more positive and supportive work environment. Employee engagement can also help reduce turnover and absenteeism and improve employees’ overall health and well-being.

Relationships #

Peer Trust #

Peer trust is the trust between individuals who work together in the same organization. This can include trust between coworkers and team members. It can help to improve communication, collaboration, and productivity within the organization. When individuals trust each other, they are more likely to be open and honest in their interactions, which can help to facilitate the flow of information and ideas. This, in turn, can lead to better decision-making, more efficient problem-solving, and higher productivity levels.

Team Atmosphere #

Team atmosphere refers to the overall feeling or mood within a team. This can be influenced by factors such as the team’s level of trust, communication, and collaboration, as well as team members’ individual personalities and behaviors. A positive team atmosphere is one in which team members feel comfortable, supported, and motivated to work together. In contrast, a negative team atmosphere can be characterized by tension, mistrust, and lack of cooperation. Additionally, a positive team atmosphere can promote job satisfaction and engagement among team members, while a negative team atmosphere can lead to burnout and turnover.

Social Support #

Social support at work refers to the emotional, practical, and psychological assistance employees receive from their colleagues. It is important because it can help to create a positive work environment and promote a sense of belonging and connection among employees. It can provide employees with the emotional and practical support they need to manage stress and other challenges, which can improve their overall well-being and job satisfaction. Social support at work can also help to foster a sense of trust and loyalty among employees, which can be important for building a positive company culture.

Learner Safety #

Learner safety refers to the safety and well-being of employees who are participating in training or learning activities. This can include safety in both physical and virtual learning environments, and encompass the employees’ physical safety and emotional and psychological well-being. Ensuring learner safety is important because it allows employees to learn and develop new skills in a safe and supportive environment.

Inclusion Safety #

Inclusion safety in an organizational context refers to the safety and well-being of employees from diverse backgrounds and with diverse abilities. Ensuring inclusion safety is important because it allows all employees to feel valued, respected, and supported in the workplace. It is also important because it can help promote employees’ sense of belonging and inclusion, fostering a positive company culture and improving morale. Ensuring inclusion safety in an organizational context requires a commitment to creating an inclusive and equitable workplace and regularly examining and addressing potential barriers to inclusion.

Contributor Safety #

Contributor safety is about protecting employees from physical, psychological, and emotional harm while working for an organization. Organizations need to prioritize employees’ freedom to ask questions, express opinions, and create a safe environment for their employees because it can improve their well-being, morale, and productivity. In addition, ensuring the safety of employees can help organizations avoid legal problems and maintain a positive reputation in the community.

Challenger Safety #

When employees feel safe and comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas, they are more likely to speak up and contribute to the conversation. This can lead to a more diverse range of perspectives and help teams identify solutions they might not have considered otherwise. Additionally, a workplace where employees feel safe and supported is likely to be more positive and productive overall.

Daily Job #

Role Clarity #

Role clarity refers to the degree to which employees understand the specific tasks and responsibilities expected of them in their job. It helps ensure that employees can effectively contribute to the company’s goals and objectives. When employees clearly understand their role, they can focus their efforts and energy on the most important activities that will have the greatest impact.

Job Meaningfulness #

Job meaningfulness refers to the degree to which employees believe their job is important and positively impacts others. When employees feel that their job is meaningful, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work, which can lead to better performance and improved outcomes for the company.

Independence #

Independence refers to the degree to which employees can make decisions and take action without needing approval or guidance from others. When employees are given the independence to make decisions and take action, they can take ownership of their work and are more likely to be invested in the outcomes. This can lead to better performance and improved results for the company. It can also promote creativity and innovation, as employees are free to explore new ideas and approaches without being constrained by strict procedures.

Influence #

Influence refers to the ability of employees to have an impact on decisions and actions within the organization. When employees have influence, they can advocate for their ideas and perspectives, and can help to shape the direction of the company. This can be especially important when employees have expertise or knowledge relevant to the decision.

Tools & Equipment #

Tools and equipment refer to the physical and digital items used to perform tasks and activities within a company. They enable employees to complete the work that is required of them effectively. Providing employees with the right tools and equipment can be important for their ability to perform their job and to improve productivity and efficiency within the organization.

Emotion Management #

Emotion management refers to the ability of employees to effectively identify, understand, and express their emotions in a way appropriate for the workplace. By managing their emotions, employees can maintain a positive attitude, build strong relationships with their colleagues, and create a more productive and collaborative work environment. Effective emotion management can help employees handle better stress and conflict, improving their overall mental and physical health.

Work/Life Balance #

Work-life balance refers to the ability of an individual to achieve a healthy and sustainable balance between their work and personal life. This is important because a lack of work-life balance can lead to increase stress, burnout, and overall dissatisfaction with one’s job and personal life. By achieving a good work-life balance, individuals can enjoy greater overall happiness and well-being, leading to better performance and productivity in their personal and professional lives. Companies that support their employees in achieving a good work-life balance may experience lower levels of turnover, absenteeism, and burnout among their workforce.

Workload Management #

Work-life balance refers to the ability of an individual to achieve a healthy and sustainable balance between their work and personal life. This is important because a lack of work-life balance can lead to increase stress, burnout, and overall dissatisfaction with one’s job and personal life. By achieving a good work-life balance, individuals can enjoy greater overall happiness and well-being, leading to better performance and productivity in their personal and professional lives. Companies that support their employees in achieving a good work-life balance may experience lower levels of turnover, absenteeism, and burnout among their workforce.

Employee Development #

Skill Use #

Skill use refers to the ability of an individual to apply the knowledge, abilities, and talents they possess to perform a specific task or job effectively. The proper use of skills can improve performance and productivity and help individuals achieve their professional and personal goals. Effective skill use can help them adapt to changing circumstances and requirements in the workplace and lead to increased job satisfaction and personal fulfillment.

Training & Education #

Training and education refer to the process of providing employees with the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to perform their jobs effectively. Providing employees with ongoing training and education can help ensure that they have the latest knowledge and expertise in their field, which can benefit both the individual and the company. Companies can improve their competitiveness and success in the marketplace by investing in training and education.

Career Development #

Career development refers to the process of helping employees to plan and advance their careers within a company. It can help employees to achieve their professional goals and realize their full potential. Providing employees with career development opportunities can help retain top talent and improve overall job satisfaction within a company.

Feedback #

Feedback refers to providing employees with information about their performance and behavior in the workplace. This can include both positive feedback, which recognizes good performance, constructive feedback, and suggestions for improvement. By providing regular and timely feedback, managers and supervisors can help employees understand what is expected of them and give them the support and guidance they need to succeed in their roles.

Job Security #

Job security refers to the likelihood that an individual will retain their job over a long period of time. This is important because it provides workers with a sense of stability and can help them to plan for their future. By providing employees with job security, companies can foster loyalty, commitment, and productivity among their workforce.

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